Songs from the Willow Bank - Part Two

Надеясь, что данные стихи обладают также и самостоятельной ценностью, автор признаётся, что в большей степени их смысловая и образная нагрузка (включая прямое цитирование) восходит к книге Кеннета Грэема «Ветер в ивах» (Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows). Он надеется, что цикл лишний раз напомнит об этой замечательной книге, а возможно, и побудит к её перечитыванию. Без знания содержания соответствующих глав полный смысл стихотворений останется нераскрытым.

Again, to Vi-Ta.

7. Piper at the Gates of Dawn

The stress of the fierce cloudless day dispersed.
The fingers of the night hav’n’t gained their grip.
Lost is the torrid day’s incessant whip.
Then winks the moment that is ever blessed.

As the sun’s golden disc is laid to rest,
So is our consciousness inclined to slip;
Some August Presence gives a cup to sip,
Awe grows and spreads within the hush'd breast.

In utter silence is the Helper met.
The wind begins to play among the reeds,
The lilting song runs on without a stop –
Amid the rustling then the words are dropped;
The Presence and the Awe, all you could heed,
Next instant grow faint – you lose – forget.

8. Toad’s Adventures

A dungeon dank seething with dark despair
Awaits us all who venture and who dare
Disport ourselves as if the world were ours.

A hundred nights with but yourself to hug,
Showering tears into your sour mug
Succeed an hour fragrant with lost flowers.

The narrow cell takes on a rosy tinge
When by and by you do desist to cringe
And cease to count the sieging grievous dangers.

You’re locked within yourself – own it up
And sell your sour mug for a bitter cup,
Come out and pledge your life to perfect strangers.

9. Wayfarers All

What good are all the stories that they tell?
There’ll always be a place we haven’t seen,
Despite the proverb, grass is always green,
Yes, can we love the place we know not well?

In Life Routine there is a touch of Hell.
True, we get bored to chafing of its mien.
Things which are beautifully or damnedly obscene
Can ring the long-awaited, trusted bell.

Temptation and routine will never mix,
So squeeze my hand, and let us now fix
Appointments where the sun will meet the sea.

Let me believe that other worlds are true,
And where the grass is outlandish blue
I’ll meet and recognize the real me.

10. The Further Adventures of Toad

Like waves the days tide in and out, like waves.
One craves, and craving makes one proud. Go chase,
Embrace escape, flight and pursuit with grace.
Oh craze, all else you do refute – I’m dazed.

I’m free, the world is larger than small me.
I flee, by boat, by horse, by van, by stream.
A spree – in triumph I ride on with glee.
I see them coming up to set upon poor me.

Walk through armed with ability, disperse in blue.
A few good songs will help you go right through.
As you the day’s events will later on review –
It’s true, the craze has come and won anew…

11. “Like summer tempest came his tears”

Such trials, such sufferings, all nobly borne,
They leave us but bedraggled, almost spent.
While their medals our lapels adorn –
We failed to pay in time the monthly rent.

Strong-headed, willful, we’ll set off again
Tomorrow, having rested and refilled
The stomach that implores again, in vain,
Remain at home, the buoyant spirit stilled.

Not us! This time we’ll show the haughty world
That only we can serve him in good stead!
With flying colours banners are unfurled
Until the next time it will be our head.

12. The Return of Ulysses

Will arise
From the depth.
Or is it salvation?
