Karma Trinlay Rinpoche

Без психических препятствий, которые тени сознания,
 и без миражей, которые сняться,
 всё есть пустота, только ум добавляет туда но и сам ум есть пустота

оригинал на английском

The S;tra of the Glorious Perfection of Wisdom’s Heart
Homage to the glorious perfection of wisdom.
Thus have I heard. Once, the Glorious One was residing at Vultures’ Peak in R;jag;iha together
with a great assembly of monks and a great assembly of bodhisattvas. At that time, the Glorious One
abided evenly in the sam;dhi of the aspects of phenomena called “Illumination of the Profound.” Also
at the same time, the noble Avalokite;hvara, the bodhisattva mah;sattva, beholding the practice of the
profound perfection of wisdom, observed that even the five aggregates are empty of nature. Then, by
the power of the Buddha, the venerable ;h;riputra said this to the noble Avalokite;hvara, the
bodhisattva mah;sattva, “How should a son of the lineage or a daughter of the lineage train, who
wishes to practice the profound perfection of wisdom?”
Addressed in this way the noble Avalokite;hvara, the bodhisattva mah;sattva, said this to the
venerable ;h;riputra: ";h;riputra, the son of the lineage or the daughter of the lineage who wishes to
practice the profound perfection of wisdom should observe in this way: they should view correctly that
even the five aggregates are empty of nature. Matter is emptiness. Emptiness is matter. Emptiness is
not other than matter; matter is not other than emptiness. In the same way, feeling, apperception,
formation and consciousness are empty. Thus, ;h;riputra, all phenomena are emptiness, without
characteristic, unproduced, unceased, unstained, unseparated from stain, undiminished, unfilled.
Therefore, ;h;riputra, in emptiness there is no matter, no feeling, no apperception, no formation, no
consciousness; no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind; no appearance, no sound, no
smell, no taste, no touch, no phenomenon; no eye constituent until no mental constituent up to and
including no mental consciousness constituent; no ignorance, no extinction of ignorance until no aging
and death up to and including no extinction of aging and death. In the same way there is no suffering,
origin, cessation or path; no wisdom, no attainment, no nonattainment. Therefore, ;h;riputra, because
bodhisattvas have no attainment they rely on and abide in the perfection of wisdom. Their minds
having no obscuration, they have no fear and passing entirely beyond falsity they completely pass
beyond sorrow. All the Buddhas who abide in the three times by relying also on the perfection of
wisdom have fully awakened into the unsurpassable, true and complete enlightenment. Therefore, the
mantra of the perfection of wisdom is the mantra of great insight, the mantra of the unsurpassable, the
mantra equal to the unequalled, the mantra that thoroughly pacifies all suffering. Because it does not
deceive it should be known to be true. The mantra of the perfection of wisdom is stated: tadya th;,
o; gate gate p;ragate par;sa;gate bodhi sv;h;. ;h;riputra, in that way bodhisattva mah;sattvas
should train in the profound perfection of wisdom."
Then, the Glorious One rose from sam;dhi and praised the noble Avalokite;hvara, the
bodhisattva mah;sattva, "Well done, well done, son of the lineage, it is like that. It is like that, just as
you have taught it the profound perfection of wisdom should be practiced. Even the tath;gatas admire
After the Glorious One had thus spoken, the venerable ;h;riputra, the bodhisattva
Avalokite;hvara, the whole assembly and the entire world; the gods, humans, demigods and
gandharvas in admiration praised the words of the Glorious One.
© Karma Trinlay Rinpoche, translated on the 18th of December 2014
