Katie Holmes

December 18th - Katie Holmes’s birthday.

Katie Holmes – a model and actress who achieved success & fame.
Her gift, consistent effort, will contributed to recognition & acclaim.
Katie’s welcome, faced and overcome various challenges, evolving.
She manifests a personality that’s strong, persistent, caring, loving.

Katie engaged in thriller, drama, romantic comedy, film adaptation.
In each and all she showed her passion and adamant determination.
In Hollywood, on Broadway & television vivid is Holmes’ versatility,
Including singing, dancing, acting gifts & skills, drive and creativity.

Known for beauty, glamour, flirtatious nature, charm & sex appeal,
A girl-next-door, she can impress & be an object of attention steal.
Holmes is a person who’s independent, driven, intelligent & bright.
She has established her identity, earned stardom in her own right.

On December 18th falls Katie Noelle Holmes’s birthday celebration.
Her contribution to entertainment reached international attention.
Wishing you, Katie, love, fulfillment, further success & inspiration!
Today your fans and colleagues express love, respect & adoration.

Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
