The nightmare song

More and more flying over floor
Straight to sky from all this halls and tales.
You, me see world over trees
And we’re only four and no one else.
Clouds overcast.
You are never lost,
But it is a something under us.
Danger after night,
And you never mind,
What it coming, seen you at the glass.
Sun is shining bright,
Day is coming soon
And all crows are flying
After you,
And don’t stop end stand,
Fly to the new land
Or they are will be around you.
Singing loudly song,
And more laugh aloud.
Then it’s nothing prevent you.
Flying else forward
Waving wings a lot
And they will be never catching you.
So, that’s all,
They are back to hole.
And you will be free
But not for long.
Now we are only the three,
And just one will run through roof
And from all walls.
