My candy man

гармония Dm Cm A# Gm
My candy man, I love you so
Because you’re only one for me
My candy friend, I love you so
Because you know, who I really am

I’d feeling pain, because I fear
Remain all without your face
Once and for in world, my sweet, my dear.
Run away from you, but can't make any pace.

Tell me the truth, don’t scary, please, don’t lie
Tell me the truth, I'll understand you, guy
Tell me the truth, all right? Tell me the truth. Just try! Tell me the truth here.
My candy man, I love you so
You are my most favorite dish
My candy friend, I love you so
We have together greatest wish.

I've bowling you, i was afraid
Of truth, my feelings. I tried being blind
But you’re so kind and you're so glad
I'll prove: all will be fine.
