My visit to a dentist

I can’t bear that dreadful pain,
Which makes me suffer day by day.
It hurts to eat. It hurts to drink.
I cannot simply work and think.
At night I do not have relief as well.
With pain alone I stay awake.
So nothing else I have to do
But show the dentist my bad tooth.

The other day I’ve called the hospital
To make an appointment as soon as possible.
So I stand in a queue that is long and boring
With my gum inflamed and the cheek that’s swollen.

A dreadful headache makes me cry
But I must wait for it to be the time
When comes my turn
And doctor calls.
The time of waiting is so long,
My pain is getting only worse.
I try to think of other things,
So I watch people around me.

This gentleman in front
Perhaps has lost his tooth in fight.
Those say annoyed: - The morning whole
We have been waiting just to fill the holes!
Some people come to put on a crown,
And even dentures in their mouths.

At last I hear the turn is mine.
I hastily leave the waiting-room
                and go inside.
The surgery is big and full of air.
I sit down in a comfortable chair.
A dentist’s lamp over my head
And lots of instruments for taking care
Of patient’s teeth
That lay on trays next to me.

In half an hour I say …
(Though my mouth refused to obey.
After examination with a probe and mirror
A slight injection I was given).
So when the treatment came to the end
To the dentist I gratefully said:

- I feel much better, thank you, sir!
- Don’t mention it. You’ll have to come once more.
        In order to avoid complications it is urgent
        In a week to come to dental surgery.

I leave the hospital with pleasure
Not feeling any more pain.
Today I start taking care
Of my mouth cavity properly and well.
