Lee Remick

December 14th – Lee Remick’s birthday.  In 2014 there is 79 years since she was born.

Lee Remick – a talented actress in film, on stage and television.
She had been determined to pursue her acting lifelong mission.
Portraying characters with aristocratic manner & penetration -
Lee’s signature along with elegance, delicacy & sophistication.

Beautiful, driven, enthusiastic, courageous, intelligent & willed,
Remick kept moving forward toward success and wouldn’t quit.
Accomplished actress with work ethics & thorough preparation,
Remick was praised for her performances bringing illumination.

Thrillers, historical dramas, comedies constitute her versatility.
Remick had manifested universal acting gift, her natural ability.
Being remembered for her powerful performances and passion,
Lee earned colleagues and audience respect, love, appreciation.

December 14th – birthday of Lee Remick, lady of beauty & charm
And love & tenderness, who’s able to allure, surprise and disarm.
Lee Remick – a legend who had achieved success and popularity.
Distinctive was her determination, talent, mastery, individuality.


Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
