
Forgive me darling,
Yes I did.
You find it right.
I went too deep.

Forgive me darling,
For my way.
And I will cancel
All my claims.

Forgive for love,
Forgive for loss
Forgive existence
beeing lost.

There is no reason any more,
Since life is short and going on
There is no reason for regrets
There is one life for every bed.

No meaning left to change our ways
I wish you find your unique path
Do not search wealth, it is a trap
Take care of her. She is not bad.

Humanity is my advice. You need to learn it
It is nice.
And sincerest should be his eyes,
Then learn to give and learn to trust.

I am aint buyer , you not cheque
You need to teach yourself a lot.
Believe the God, and let Him lead,
It is only Power which let live .
