Search for life

I look for Life in this life –
not for what life seems about,
but in its struggle and its strife
that brutal circumstances weave
and trap me, causing me to grieve,
I’m seeking truth – it is my need,
though from its taste receptors bleed.

Yet, I’m continuing to fritter
the worldly aspirations’ glitter, -
the vain human race is clad
in selfish arrogance, in greed
and pride, which is very sad.

Through them my stubborn soul cleaves,
exploring pain, hurt and doubt,
and finds riches there. I flout
external values and faс,ade -
this leave me empty and deceives.

Thus, risking to appear mad,
so defiantly I’m breaking
the rules conventional of play,
and nonchalantly I’m forsaking
the craves and idols of the day,
for which majority is longing.
With such a crazy world at bay,
I am to other realms belonging:
no matter how this looks odd,
in those games I’m not partaking.

I simply follow a ray
of Truth to Self, which is in God,
(the life is too short to fake it),
and, with its radiance endowed,
that peels the surfaces and flakes them,
I am the child in a crowd,
who shouts, ‘The emperor is naked!’

8-18 September 2011
