
Through the transparent window glass, dividing
the kitchen’s warmness from the morning chill,
I see an undeterred hardworking spider
creating patterns of a finest grille.
The night before, it was a pouring rain.
The web was ripped by mighty gusts of wind.
The poor spider has set up again
to re-create its microcosm. He pinned
the gleaming rays and glued the outlines
of its configuration. In the end
the structure in the morning light shines
in effort with the rays of sun to blend.
According to the spider’s call and code,
he diligently stretched the silky threads,
repairing the broken abode,
which quivers now in the air. It spreads
enormous and perfect in design.
I feel the spider’s joy and his relief.
I wish his perseverance to be mine
and borrow my strength from his belief.

15 September 2011
