Ellen Burstyn

December 7th – Ellen Burstyn’s birthday.

Ellen Burstyn – a gifted Hollywood actress with an Oscar’s win.
Her acting career has taken an interesting and prominent spin.
Burstyn’s succeeded on theater stage, in film and on television.
She has fulfilled her childhood aspiration, dream and ambition.

Burstyn’s portrayed characters in leading parts and supporting,
In which her natural abilities, gifts, skills, have been affording.
In sci-fi epic & drama-romance genres Ellen has done her best,
Investing passion, courage, patience in her acting path or quest.

Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, Exorcist & Last Picture Show…
Burstyn blends well with characters, performing without a flaw.
She also contributed to Requiem for a Dream and Resurrection.
Ellen took charge of her career, receiving acclaim & admiration.

December 7th – birthday of Ellen Burstyn, wishing you our best.
Your talent, will, determination has colleagues, fans impressed.
May you be showered with harmony, health, joy & inspiration.
Today’s our tribute to you with our love, respect, appreciation. 


Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
