A song of a little bird

Can you hear the song of a bird who got lost on her way to heat?
It`s so sad now, so blurred, so weak, but she used to sing it for me.
When she did, it was bright and clear; when she did, I forgot to breathe;
In the mornings, she knocked at my door, and my broken heart skipped a beat.

Can you hear the song of a bird who got lost on her way to heat?
I just wish you could see her sing in the memories that I keep,
But it would hurt if you knew her before, when she wasn`t fading away.
Never mind, I will see her off on my own, I can manage a bit of pain. 

Can you hear the song of a bird who got lost on her way to heat?
It has stopped now, and little bird is freezing in branches of trees.
But if only I can wait long enough for spring to come and melt ice,
She`ll be warmed up and brought back to life by the newborn light of sunrise.

And if you`re still afraid to know that one day we`ll grow old and we`ll die,
Do not worry, she`ll keep us alive in her memory, just like I kept her in mine.
When winter will pass, she`ll sit on our graves and she`ll sing her beautiful song
To remind those who survived about others who long ago gone.
