She s my song

                She's my song

Every time when I get into a sympathy or something
more - fall in love with somebody then I get my own music
list with different songs. I realized I had been listening
to music when I got my love, and every song was dedicated
for only one person. Definitely the songs were about only
sadness that usually break you down. So it seems that for
each person I got only one song that I listened to during
my feelings. It used to happen all the time. Getting songs
for each person I loved. But now it's kinda strange.
I haven't got any songs since I'm in love with her. I was
wondering about it. But looking at our situation in our
relationship it's no need to get one. Cause I already got her.
No need for lyrics no need for music because I breathe her words.
I watch her and admire. She brought her own song in my life
and now I'm try a listening to it...
