oh, love, what is it that makes you look so sad?

oh, love, what is it that makes you look so sad
what is it that makes you cry?
oh, love, is it rain and the coldness of night
is it autumn and leaves and naked trees?
oh, love, is it the emptiness in your poor heart
is it dreams that keep you awake?
oh, love, what is it that makes you look so sad
what is it that takes away your smile?
oh, love, is it days you spend on your own in this house
is it howling of wind outside?
oh, love, is it promises long ago broken
is it shadows of infinite sorrow?
oh, love, what is it that makes you look so sad
what is it that you mourn for?
oh, love, is it music of burning forest
is it rivers fettered with ice?
oh, love, is it birds who left our roof
is it flies dead on the sill?
oh, love, what is it that makes you look so sad
what is it you are missing?
oh, love, oh, my love,
is it me?
