Get up

Because you're alive and regardless of pain
You are gonna get up and move forward again
When you hurt and you're sick and you feel you could die
You get up and again and again have to try
Every step, every move, every minute alive
Sure is worth fighting for, so you have to survive.
On the edge, on the line, when you can hardly breath,
Squeeze your hand, hit your head over wall to relieve
All the pain stopping you from continuing life,
After having done that you must say you're alive.
Even when all the doors seem to have closed up,
You can break through them all and get out of the trap,
Even when you're dead you can still stay alive,
Because you still can think, therefore you can try.
So from now on don't let anyone bring you down,
Just get up, stay alive, raise your voice, make your sound.
