
Looking at you who are searching for me on the ground,
I’m observing a mysterious strange commotion
like in a film - black and white - with a weird motion
where someone had switched off accidentally the sound.
I am alive, look up, why you’re looking down?
I want to shout to you, but my sounds drown.
Yet, you are calling my name - of this I’m sure,
I see you clearer than I was ever able
seeing, but still I remain to you obscure –
something is terribly wrong like a damaged cable
putting in jeopardy our communication,
failing all efforts of mine to grab your attention,
where I want to convey to you my celebration:
here I am, in another exciting dimension,
crossing the wall of this day to the time of tomorrow,
this is my proof of the life’s existing extension!
Why are you so distressed, so filled with sorrow?

30 August 2011
