Selected aphorisms

Данный сборник является переводом с Русского языка на Английский:
1) моего сборника "Избранные афоризмы"
2) моего сборника "Избранные афоризмы - часть вторая"
3) моего сборника "Избранные афоризмы - часть третья
4) моего сборника "Избранные афоризмы - часть четвёртая
In the arithmetic of life age difference is changing over the years.

As children we rush time, while in the old age the time is hurrying us.

Loneliness is the price, paid for an intellectual superiority.

A hero is a person, who failed to find anyone else to hide behind his back.

A hopelessly forever unlucky loser is unlucky even in his dreams.

Geniuses are counted by single digit numbers, while mediocrities are considered to be total zeroes.

Even one, born lucky, may end his life being a miserable loser.

Man, who came down to the point of desperation, no longer wants to change the world.

While crossing the field of life do not expect to see the note: "Checked, there are no mines."

Material wealth multiplies by its accumulation, while spiritual - by its distribution.

From the perspective of a miser, life is a waste of money.

No one mows the grass of oblivion.

Envy has a sideways glance and a wry smile.

If you are lost, do not try to find yourself in others.

It is better to fancy self as an unrecognized genius rather than to be considered as a qualified idiot.

All vices of a "son of a bitch" are stemmed from his fatherlessness.

The smaller the content, the more plasticity is in the form.

The well-known aphorisms come only from the narrow circle of known persons.

The fish rots from the head, while Civilization - in its art.

Life is a spoiled roulette, where the ball, no matter how to spin it, always falls on the zero mark.

Sisyphus also worked tirelessly.

Woe is just badly forgotten happiness.

The last precaution - it is when someone throws himself into the abyss, wearing a stone around his neck.

Odysseus returned home because he had nowhere else to go.

While soul searching do not try to talk heart to heart with a zombie ...

The authenticity of gold could be tested on any tooth, while the truth of life - only by the tooth of wisdom.

The baggage of conscience can not be put into the storage chamber before entering the gates of paradise.

The problem with what end, obtuse or acute, to break the egg, is not worthy of this very damn egg.

When someone's soul aches like from a cat scratching, that someone wants to howl like a wolf.

The perfection of the scoundrel is evaluated by the measure of his completeness.

The indigent one never tastes the bitterness of loss.

Usually people do not forget what really would be good to forget - instead, they forget what it would be advisable to remember.

Moral values have a rather low price, but there are always for sale and also they are sold at a large discount.

If fortune turned her back on you, it just means that she wants to change the pose.

Deep thought - it is like the water in the sea: some are drowning in it, while others just float on the surface.

Moony - is a person for whom there is no place under the sun.

The use of poor-quality spiritual food poisons the soul.

Life is a gift that in the future must be sent back.

Anyone, who asks too many questions, will answer for it.

In the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors, things went awry.

The doctor prescribed the patient eternal rest.

People have mastered the skill of breaking hearts much earlier, before they have learned how to split the atomic nucleus.

In the East, it is a shame to expose the body, and in the West - the soul.

For his intellectual superiority one pays by his loneliness.

"There is only one step from the sublime to the ridiculous" and there is just one fall from a high stand to low.

One was considered as an insignificant talent - though he was a connoisseur of the science of "small quantities".

The sum of mediocrities does not add up to being great.

The torch of Truth shines warmth of his inner light, while everything else is capable only of the cold reflection.

Some ask questions to learn more, others - just to be recognized.

If the "Maiden of love" would not melt, she would become the Snow Queen.

Do not halloo with a cuckoo.

The verdict of the destiny is final and is not appealable.

Achilles, do not get up on pointe!

Gray dove "faded" out of the nest ... and became blue.

One can earn credibility just by theft.

Happiness is being awaited, while misfortune comes without invitation.

We expect happiness to drop, like manna from heaven, while trouble is falling like snow on the head.

Some memories connect us to people from the past as a bridge, while other separates as a wall.

"Lips of infant speaketh the truth," but this truth is usually taken as sophomoric ...

Modern science recognizes the existence of laws of nature, but it denies the existence of their legislator.

A man lost in a fantasy world, eats fruits of his own imagination.

An ungifted person does not expect favors from nature.

The last desire of a clown - to make Death laugh.

An ungifted person does not expect favors from nature.

In Tatar-Mongols language darkness means ten thousand, while in Russia it has no number.

In love, as in politics, elected are praised, but, for some reason, only in politics they talk about re-elected.

There are always fewer pearls than pigs.

Do not look for a double bottom in flat thoughts.

Integrity - is a burden from which, if one carries it, it is difficult to get rid of.

Sometimes we passionately want to be understood by others, but more often - we dread it.

As Caesar should behave, there are many different opinions, but all agree that Caesar's wife must be above the slightest suspicion.

To the question: "How to establish paternity at the Immaculate Conception?" -Science responds by rhetorics: "Only God knows".

One can outdo himself only by transgressing over his dead body.

The speed of time is dimensionless and, therefore, is absolutely relative.

To look younger than his age, one just have to fly in a dream with a speed close to the speed of light.

Set aside concerns about the future until tomorrow.

The Force of Destiny does not obey Newton's law.

Those who live life looking back, do not see the future ahead.

As it may sound absurd, the way of life - is the distance, measured in years of experience.

Nature protects human from unnecessary suffering, giving them the opportunity to forget the past, and by not giving them an opportunity to see the future.

Man grows over itself, rising up to the sky on stairs of good deeds.

Carmen seduced Toreador and, since then, for Circe of all kinds - preying on Bullfighters was very enviable.

We all to Esmeraldas sincerely swear in love to the grave but have chosen wives of Flor de Lis' type.

We can not say that slutty was Carmen, but always wind of change blew into her sails.

Not surprisingly, the bitten to death themes are often sore ones.

One may suffer even not being in love, because even the sense of humor at times may not be shareable as well.

Dreams are given to man in order to emphasize the emptiness of real life.

When dreams are more interesting than life - it is a symptom of unhappiness.

Love's blasphemy is above all religions.

The fate of men's is ruled by Rock.

Love as everything else has a stamp of expiration.

Weeds grow in wastelands of the intellectual impotence verbiage.

Human life is akin to a business trip, it is a trifle, empty trash,
where the length between the arrival and departure is counted in the Heavenly Office as one day only.

The spark has its stellar moment too.

The soul of man - is an unexplored planet with shiny peaks and gaping chasms.

Death - is the transition from being "Someone" to "Nothing".

Preparation for the final journey lasts a lifetime.

If Narcissus was envious, he probably would have died of envy to himself.

Bad mouthing of someone's excellent reputation has the effect of the fly in the ointment.

Laurel wreath, turned inside out, makes a clownish crown.

Stupidity casts a shadow even when the sun is at its zenith.

There is not a fig leaf behind which a man can hide from the women's insight.

If begging - do not clench your fingers into a fist.

Those, who are asking to give them a foothold so they could change the world, - they are madly floating in the clouds, after life knocked the ground from under their feet.

For the one, on whose reputation poured a bucket of dirt, - it is difficult to wash it off.

Life is not always on the rise and often does not allow to let it go.

Even those, who in their life seek support in moral principles, sometimes stumble.

Different types of people prefer different types of horses: some - Bucephalus, some - Rosinante, some - Pegasus.

An empty dream is akin to a balloon, which soars up into the sky, just soon to be broken into small pieces.

Banks should not grant loans to those, who take money for granted.

Having two-thirds of the lifetime spent on the implementation of the maxim "Time is money", in the remaining third, we lament that there is exists no reverse formula.

Loser - is a man, who was run over by the wheel of fortune.

Some man could feel the warmth of the woman only by the touch.

Fear of loneliness is a symptom of the claustrophobic soul.

No matter how hard stupidity would try to dress itself up, it always reveals its bare case.

Some are covering themselves with leaves of the fig tree, while others like to show it off.

The love of money is always dreaming of reciprocity.

Believers put their trust into the finger of God, while atheists are poking a finger into the sky.

Talent transforms vulgarity of life into art, while mediocrity transforms art into vulgarity.

The quality of the soul, as well as the quality of clothing is best judged by looking into its inner side.

If someone has won a duel with the death, it always will take revenge.

The last dance is always reserved ... by the death.

Wolves in sheep's clothing disguise themselves not because the sheep are so cloth to their skin.

Как глупо не одеться в высшее начало -
Чтоб не почуять - что в тебе нет ничего -
И что тебя - вдруг - высь околдовала -
А Бог бы сделал тебя - другом и врагом!

Удачи и вдоха и веянья! вот с! (-:*

Носильщик   01.12.2014 07:21     Заявить о нарушении