Linda Darnell

October 16th – Linda Darnell’s birthday.  In 2014 there is 91 years since she was born.

Linda Darnell – a Hollywood beauty, actress in film & stage,
Who started entertainment industry’s career at young age.
Darnell did well in co-starring and supporting parts or roles.
Throughout her journey she had experienced rises and falls.

Praised playing in A Letter to Three Wives, Unfaithfully Yours,
Linda reached top of her stardom & had opened many doors.
She had succeeded in nightclubs, theaters, films & television.
Worked to fulfill her mother’s acting dream and/or ambition.

Sweet, lovely, charming, feminine with sultry voice and look,
Darnell drew much attention, getting the box office on hook. 
Screen love goddess with inborn beauty, alluring personality,
Linda possessed a talent and manifested her acting quality.

October 16th – birthday of Linda Darnell, honest and sincere,
Polite, considerate, hard-working, decent, kind & endearing.
Sadly, Linda departed young, unexpectedly, life taken by fire.
Had she stayed longer, she would fulfill her ultimate desire.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
