Lilipitins -238 Marilyn Monroe

Why in the world skinny cinderellas are turning late in their lives into plump pumpkins ?
Marilyn Monroe

Liliputins. What, the heck, is this ?


Folklore and fiction

There seems to be a strong connection in folklore and popular culture between pumpkins and the supernatural. Famous examples include the following:


A commonplace motif of people being turned into pumpkins by witches.
The jack-o-lantern custom discussed above, which connects to Halloween lore about warding off demons.


In the folk tale Cinderella, the fairy godmother turns a pumpkin into a carriage, but at midnight it reverts into a pumpkin.

turn into a pumpkin

Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary


From the story of Cinderella, in which the transformed coach reverts to its original state (that of a pumpkin) at midnight.


turn into a pumpkin

1.(idiomatic, colloquial) To go to bed; to go to sleep (especially at, or around midnight).

I'm about ready to turn into a pumpkin. You can stay up later if you want.
Tell her I'm turning into a pumpkin if she stays out too late. She won't be getting a lift from me.

2.(idiomatic, colloquial) Used to indicate a curfew, or the time by which one must depart.

My daughter turns into a pumpkin at 10:00, so you need to have her home before then.
I'm turning into a pumpkin at 4:00, so we need to finish this.
"I need to get back now!" "Why? Are you going to turn into a pumpkin?"


Synonyms for skinny

adj very thin

angular, bony, gaunt, lanky, scrawny, slender, lean, spare, emaciated, lank,  like a rail, malnourished, rawboned, scraggy, skeletal, skin-and-bone, twiggy, undernourished, underweight
Antonyms for skinny

Antonyms for skinny
