Brumous Expanses 09. 11. 04

Blackest night o'er the wan weeping earth,
Spread to me your caressing embraces
Through the ages my chilled soul retraces
To the shore of the ice-fettered firth

The elixir of love that I sipped
Scorched my mind, made me quit one more region...
But I've buried my hopeless religion
And the snows of time covered her crypt...

The lamenting choirs sound in my ears
And the frost mesmerizes my senses
Contemplating the brumous expanses
My forlorn spirit can't keep the tears

The intangible stars shine the same -
Such a heaven's eternal adornment
I would ask for the God's high atonement
But the fiends of despair know my name

And if they know my name, I'll go forth
With the wounds of my heart hardly sutured
Take a look up and see all my future -
This black night o'er the wan weeping earth

...And no one shall foretell or portend
And my blood will grow colder and colder
I'll stay here as the lonesome beholder
On the edge of the moribund land...
