Jane Russell

June 21st – Jane Russell’s birthday.  In 2014 there is 93 years since she was born.

Jane Russell – a gifted Hollywood actress, beauty and sex symbol.
Her personal life, however, had not flowed as smooth and simple.
She found strength, moved forward overcoming challenges in life.
What helped Jane was her will, determination, courage and drive.

Russell achieved success in films as well as on stage and television.
She always knew that acting, entertaining people was her mission.
Jane’s never given up her dream, as she became well-known star.
Singing, musical comedies and dramas constituted her repertoire.

A lady with sex appeal, enticing voice, curvy body and sensuality,
Jane had expressed bright, strong, creative, generous personality.
Despite great looks, she was intelligent, alluring, persevere, clever.
Russell was confident about her gifts & skills, to utilize she’d dare.

June 21st – birthday of Jane Russell, actress with devotion, vision.
She was adaptable, able to move throughout various transitions.
We all appreciate Russell’s imprint, contribution and dedication.
Without doubt, she was fine actress and sex siren or sensation.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
