Cape Of The Keeper the voice of God 05. 06. 04

  Сие стихотворение есть глас Бога живого, звучащий с небес в утешение израненной душе Хранителя.

"My son! You thought you could avoid the mistake
And your present would become better
But that was the fraud 'cause the total opaque
Is your very world's only matter

The youth's joys you cherished were simply the shape
Which you kept behind the dark riddel
And now you are standing alone on the cape
Still trying to solve the fate's riddle

But this riddle never existed at all
It was just a secret created
By your loveless self but with years time did pall
Its beauty and you can't negate it

Look there once again at the flickering vast,
Remember your final conferment
Are you not the Keeper, the guard of the past
Whose black hair grows gray from the torment?

What visions might stay in the eyes of the man
Who learned the cruel history's lessons?
Don't try to obliterate more than you can
And don't weep for your adolescence

My kingdom is far and your land is your home.
The one cannot cope with the legion
But you have these shores and the forests to roam -
Your native and sacrosanct region

I wish you to go your own path till the end
Away from the vile and the witless
But if you will trip up, no force I could lend
To your soul to make you my witness

So, hold tight the reins 'cause our day yet will dawn
'Twill bring the great Evil's dethronement
My children shall see death's forever o'erthrown
And find their deserved high atonement"

Алексей! "ипользую билингвальную систему " - это значит просто - то на одном, то на другом языке пишите - или у Вас одно и тоже стихотворение - синхронно получается на обоих языках?

Елизавета Судьина   07.09.2014 13:44     Заявить о нарушении
Вообще-то, лет 10 назад так и было. Приходилось оптимизировать варианты по степени благозвучия. В 90 процентах побеждал английский.

Алексей Сарычев Лирика   07.09.2014 22:44   Заявить о нарушении