Margaret Lockwood

September 15th –Margaret Lockwood’s birthday.  In 2014 there is 98 years since she was born.

Margaret Lockwood – a talented actress of British descent
Delivered bright performances and energy invested, spent.
Acclaimed for roles in The Wicked Lady & The Man in Grey.
She took advantage of the offer, getting in it with no delay.

Margaret outstood on screen, being intelligent, persuasive.
She was successful on stage & television, appeared amazing.
Gorgeous & feminine, charming & passionate, she rocked.
Her sex appeal, seductive attitude was just a matter of fact.

In 1940s Lockwood had reached her stardom, popularity,
Conveying will, courage, devotion & expressive personality.
Her comedy & melodrama roles called for a vast attention.
Lockwood achieved an international success, appreciation.

September 15th – birthday of Margaret Lockwood, a star.
She utilized her comic talent in The Flying Swan up to par.
Margaret has been remembered for acting contribution
To entertainment industry, a theater and film institution.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
