Lilipitins -224

Never underestimate the power of denial ... "
Vladimir Putin

Liliputins. What, the heck, is this ?


American Beauty (1999 movie): What does Ricky Fitts in "American Beauty" mean when he says "Never underestimate the power of denial"?

In a general sense, it means that we're the best at fooling ourselves. We're apt to blind ourselves to the truth because the it's too much to handle, or because we prefer a contrivance to reality, or because we're too fearful of what the unknown might hold, or simply because it's easier above all else.

In context, Col. Fitts didn't want to know where Ricky got the money from, because he knows the truth isn't going to be something savoury. After all, you tend not to get massive amounts of money in a short time as a student without some illegal activity involved. But he'd rather not know. It's an overarching theme in American Beauty, since many of the major characters cocoon themselves in comfortable, but artificial constructs- suburbia being a physical manifestation of it.


Kremlin: Putin Denies Russian Role In Ukraine Unrest

Saturday, August 23, 2014 
Tensions are running high in eastern Ukraine as a deadline set by Kyiv for pro-Russian gunmen to vacate government buildings passed early on April 14. Here's a look at the situation on the ground in flashpoint cities.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has denied Russia is involved in the unrest in eastern Ukraine.

The Kremlin says Putin issued the denial to U.S. President Barack Obama during a telephone call on April 14.

According to the Kremlin, Putin rejected claims of Russian agents' involvement in protests as "speculations based on unreliable information."

According to the White House, Obama told Putin that Moscow would face further costs if its actions in Ukraine persisted.

Obama urged Putin to use his influence with armed, pro-Russian groups to convince them to leave buildings they have seized in eastern Ukraine.

Obama told Putin that Russia must withdraw its troops from Ukraine's border to reduce tensions, noting Ukraine's government has acted with "remarkable restraint."

The two leaders spoke as pro-Russian groups continue to occupy government buildings and security headquarters in some 10 cities and towns in eastern Ukraine.

Moscow has said it is worried Russian-speakers in Ukraine could face threats from right-wing Ukrainian nationalists. This is rejected by supporters of Ukraine's pro-Western authorities who took power after President Viktor Yanukovych fled Ukraine in late February.

The Ukrainian government has announced plans for what it calls an "antiterrorist" operation in the east to roll back the seizures of government facilities.

Western states have accused Moscow of orchestrating the unrest. They have warned of imposing new sanctions targeting sectors of the Russian economy in response to what they describe as Russia's further intervention in Ukraine.

In the eastern Ukrainian city of Slovyansk, pro-Russian protesters have declared the formation of a new "Donetsk People's Republic" and appealed April 14 for Putin to help them against Ukrainian government forces.

Ukrainian and Western officials have accused the pro-Russia movement of being led by, or even being part of, the Russian military. Western officials say the weapons, uniforms, and level of training of the pro-Russia groups indicate they are not hastily formed civil-defense forces, as claimed by supporters of the groups
