The first my love

I've never believed in love through the distance.
But it was, when I didn't know about your existence.
I've not believed in love at all,
But now, feel myself too low.

I can't image,  how do you look like,
It doesn't matter, it's exited.
I will love you, how you are now,
If you can be with me, but how?

And all my dreams about you,
I will tell you,  for you just true.
And I'm not sure that can change some,
It was the first, the first my love.

It so, I know, it so wrong,
But my feelings are so strong.
Tell me, how, how can I
To break it, to deny?

We have the difference of age,
My heart is trapped inside a cage.
In our veins flows the blood of another,
It doesn't look like, she's of other.

We shared by hundreds of miles,
But I feel every word by skins.
I understand, you needn't these words.
You're the most beautiful thing in the world.

You deserve them,
Every moment, when you hear the same.
I've never seen you,
And couldn't see you in the truth.

But I'm sure, you're beautiful like winds
The most beautiful thing I've ever seen, it is.
These aren't the words that you want to hear,
I'm not the girl you want to see.

But if you ever get too lonely,
I'll come to you,  just call me only.
We aren't a single entity,
I have in soul lots of  empty.

We aren't two equal halves of life,
This realization cuts like a knife ( That's not enough)
Tell me what you feel now?
It's too painfully, or how?

I have to give my life to Hell,
If only you hadn't been hurt again.
I don't care that it's wrong love,
It is inside and that's enough.

Will feelings are mutual, I don't know
I want to have this pain more.
We are so different, but we're alike.
It doesn't matter, we it like.

I don't want loose you and don't force.
My heart beats, like an angry horse.
I ask you for nothing,
Just listen how you're laughing.

Don' t take it all  so seriously,
The thoughts of you is  furiously.
Live as you lived before,
It really needn't look me for.

I hope, then you will be so happy,
How you start with a clean slate chapter.
You will be happy as too much,
If you can hear me and  catch.

Don't read my poems every time,
If you still know the words of mine.
Don't hold it against me,
Or so that I won't it see.

Just know, I love you still,
Continue to feel I myself ill.
When you want see my face again,
Just close your eyes and smile, how mien.

I will come to you in a dream,
Just please, you needn't scream.
In the silence of the night I will appear,
And just will stay with you here near.

I love you, I just will repeat,
And listen to your heartbeat.
