To S. S

May you be blessed, this long-awaited spring!
With your full-flowing unexpected brooks,
Your rustles, chirring, breaths and flap of wings,
And your concealed, confused and ardent looks.

May it be played in sharp and major keys
Your inexplicable and sparkling soul,
Your heat of life which longs to be released,
And to the partial prefers the whole.

May you last long, these long-awaited charms.
From underworld you come or from above?
The spell that strengthens me and still disarms:
You are so simple, and your name is love.

очень хорошо, даже и кажущееся поначалу нелогичным long-awaited spring и unexpected brooks говорят о большей, чем ожидалось, огромности любви

Елена Ифтеду   08.08.2014 10:02     Заявить о нарушении