take me if you can 20. 01. 13

take me if you can

take me if you can
take me if you dare
hey you, itchy man!
I'll show you my nightmare!

take me if you're fast
take me if you're sly
break me if you must
and never stay shy

or I will crush you
and turn to dust
like those I tew
come on! where's your bloodlust!

make me shut up
rake your skin in despair
I see you just fed up
with our world so unfair

so why won't stand up!

slake all your hidden desires
quit quake and fight like a man
with force of ten hellfires
I know what you can!

hey! there is so much to take!
in the world of constant fake
there is so much left to break
until your last heartache!

so why won't you shake!

20 января 2013 в 0:26
Трэшевая песня под ритм Металлики
