Helen O Connell

May 23rd - Helen O'Connell’s birthday.  In 2014 there is 94 years since she was born.

Helen O’Connell – a talent in acting, singing and dance.
Her popularity back in the 1940s had been immense.
O’Connell had been active and successful on television.
She had fulfilled her music dreams, ambitions, mission.

Helen performed, toured with Fabulous Dorseys band,
Able to do her best on stage, allure, shine & outstand.
O’Connell gradually achieved a widespread popularity,
While manifesting her illuminating vibrant personality.

May 23rd - birthday of Helen O'Connell, singer, recorder.
Lasting career the 1940’s Metronome winner afforded.
Helen’s remembered as a fine performer on TV & stage.
She invested efforts to accomplish a professional gauge.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
