Traffic Lights

Follow me, my little ones,
Stop in front of traffic lights.
What the light is turning on?
You are not allowed to go.

Watch the cars passing by
In a hurry all the drive.
Right and left there is a flow
Of cars which haste along the roads.

Wait a while for the light
Which is there the second one.
-It is yellow!
You are right
-Can I cross the road?
No, you can't!

All the cars have to stop
And it takes a little time.
But if you see the light is green
Go to the opposite side of street.

You should learn one more rule.
Remember That before you move.
No one wants to get in trouble
But the danger is so sudden!
To prevent its ever happen
You should go but very careful.

Look right and left
And only then
Go ahead!
