Rum Gold Loneliness

c h a r a c t e r s

the Jugde
Jim Miller - suspect
Alex Razzar - victim
Helen - his wife
The Defence
Sudden Guest - victim's servant


the Jugde

Ladies and Gentlemen! Today
We are to have another play,
Oh, sorry, court! That sounds better.

/whispering to the side/

Director, I have lost my letter...
What? Improvising? Let me try.
An actor cannot be so shy.


Now let the sitting of the court
Be just and fair, word for word.

Well, mr Suspect, you are blamed
For many crimes. Have you read?

Burglary, murder, body harm.
A bottle of expensive rum...


A bottle?

the Judge

Brocken. A heavy piece
Had hurt a Rembrant's masterpiece!

On top of that, don't try to fuss,
There was some poison in the glass
That victim was to drink when thursty.
His eyebrows, hair, so white and frosty,
His mind, though a little in a mess,
Did not deserve such a cruel death. 


I really have no alibi.
I do not want to tell you lie.
That day I visited his place.
That day's events were like a maze.

I had to carry him some letters.
From our company to help us,
To solve some problems. Nothing special.
You know, we're working with commercial.
I waited. Missis Helen Razzar,
Opened the door. We knew each other.
We had a talk that busy day.
And then I simply drove away.


Some time ago we were friends.
I did not wait for any threats.
Alex was sleeping. Why to wake
Him up, so tired. Tea and cakes
Were on the table made of glass.

We had a lot of to discuss.
I couldn't but invite him. Miller
Has never ever been a killer. 
How could I know, a caring wife...


I lead a law-abiding life.
Ok, just yesterday at nine
I was caught speeding, paid a fine...


This man, no doubt, has killed my honey
And got away with all his money!
Just a tiny ring left on my hand.
And he, no way, deserves to spend
The rest of life behing the bars.


Do you believe this woman's farce?
She lies, it's written on her face!
She drives me in the deep disgrace.

I know, she really has a reason,
To sentence me to shame and prison.

Frankly, some time ago I was
In love with her. My heart was hers.

I saw her with another man.
Showed no emotions, took a pen


And wrote that I had hurt his soul.
Between us was a stony wall.



She didn't want the action
That could destroy her reputation.
But I was firm, though on the edge.
It made her eager to revenge.

Then she got married. Had no love.
Just ask the heaven high above.
A lot of gold, but sick and sad.
Having noone to blame for that,

She took the gun willing to shoot
Herself to death. I had to put
My leg into her thoughtles deed.
But she's insidious indeed.

I grasped the gun, and now I'm guilty.
And she had gloves. That's really witty!
She had a thing she was in need -
The gun. My fingerprints on it.

And now I feel myself a mime
Charged in connection with the crime.


Each evidence paves you a way
To jail. No chances of replay.

The Defence

Legal defence had to give up.


A perfect crime. Up is my thumb.
Condemned without parole because
She handed me a real loss.

Two birds she killed with a one stone.


Me? I am hopelessly alone!

A pretty lady-millionaire.
Themendous figure, silky hair,
Pale skin, white lips, make up so cool...
Sure you'll find another fool!


A hidden bastard's now revealed.
He makes me guilty while I bleed.
I cannot stand to hear these words.

The Judge

Let's wash away these shameful spots!
We've carried out a thorough search
Desperately trying approach
At least a tiny hint to prove
That missis Helen, so aloof
Is really guity of the crime.

Sudden Guest

Oh, let me add another rhyme!
Have no surprise! Felo de se!
A letter...

The Judge

Letter? Let me see!

Sudden Guest

Experts' conclusion is adjoined.
It's his handwriting. To the point:
The man was envious. His spouse
Enjoyed staying alone for hours.
He really loved her. She, however.
so beautiful, so brave, so clever,
Was a reserved temple of secrets.
By chance he found that day


Two tickets?

The Judge

Were you going to escape?

Sudden Guest

To any point of the map
From the cosy house you name a prison.

Believe, I really had a reason
To get away from all that hell,
The fire in which I used to dwell.

But Alex did not let me go.
I was so silly years ago.
And now - the dream to be alone's
Deep in my heart. A heavy stone.

I did not do him any harm.
That poison in the cup of rum
He tried to make me drink in weep.
I gave him remedy to sleep.

Noone could come that day around.
I thought that Jim had shoot him down.


I didn't.


Now that can't be clear.
What should be done? I have no fear
To lose the riches. Run away
Is now the only way to stay
At least a little bit alive.
Good bye!

/leaves the room/

the Judge

It's hightime to arrive
At the desicion.


Helen, wait!

/runs out of the room/

The Judge

What's going on? You can't do that!
Oh Lord! This role... I loose my mind!

Director! Where are you?

The Defence


The Judge


The Defence

Enough of your inventions!
Let's thank a lot for the attentions!

E N D !!! ******))))
