
I'm in hopes of better future,
Though I look into the past.
I would take a step. But would you?
If we got back, would it last?

I feel sorry that couldn't
Love you like you needed to.
You crave gold, but I am wooden.
It is sad. But it is true.

We would sail again, together,
If you only could forgive.
I'll be taking you wherever
You may find your sought relief.

We could overcome the distance.
We could sail again as one.
I see no point in resistance.
You don't need a loaded gun.

What if we could change the outcome?
What if we could still be friends?
No. We'll not accept this bargain!
Face it! This is how it ends!

"Bargaining" is inspired by

Part 1: Denial
Part 2: Anger
Part 3: Depression
Part 4: Bargaining
Part 5: Acceptance

Five stages of grief is a series of emotional stages experienced when faced with impending death or death of someone. The five stages are DENIAL, ANGER, BARGAINING, DEPRESSION and ACCEPTANCE. The end of relationship is like experiencing a death, of sorts. Therefore I present you the fourth part of my personal revelation - Bargaining.

На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.