Anna Magnani

March 7th – Anna Magnani’s birthday.  In 2014 there is 106 years since she was born.

Anna Magnani – genius Italian singer, actress in film & stage.
She’s been emotionally intense in life and acting at any age.
“The Rose Tattoo” got her an Oscar, making her a bigger star.
Strength, courage, temper, passion constituted her reservoir.

Magnani’s talents included acting, singing and piano playing.
As “The Italian Edith Piaf,” she knew what she was relaying.
Strong headed, spirited, determined, she reached her goals.
Any endeavor she involved, she did her best, without flaws.

As actress, she’d showed reality with fondness & conviction.
Honest & confident, Anna accomplished her artistic mission.
In life and work, she had invested persistence and passion,
Receiving domestic, international recognition and attention.

It was a neorealist film movement that gave Anna popularity.
She showed enthusiasm, intelligence, wit & mature sensuality.
Magnani played comic, dramatic, tragic roles with an acclaim.
She earned her own stardom status, praise, admiration, fame.

March 7th – birthday of Anna Magnani, a legend of all times.
She’s still remembered in our hearts, souls, spirits & minds.
To world, Italian cinema she made a priceless contribution.
She left this planet at 65, putting her closure or conclusion.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
