Строфа 46

Кто жил и мыслил, тот не может
Who lived and thought, that could not really

В душе не презирать людей;
In heart well not despise mankind;

Кто чувствовал, того тревожит
Who felt that was disturbing nearly

Призрак невозвратимых дней:
By phantom of the past at sight:

Тому уж нет очарований,
To that there were no fascinations,

Того змия воспоминаний,
Who wasn’t gnawed by recollections,

Того раскаянье грызет.
That by contrition was depressed.

Все это часто придает
All this so often did enhance

Большую прелесть разговору.
With a big charm by any talking.

Сперва Онегина язык
At first Onegin’s language did

Меня смущал; но я привык
Me once confuse; but I was sheet

К его язвительному спору,
For his dispute with much sharp words in,

И к шутке, с желчью пополам,
And jokes with bile in half for sure,

И злости мрачных эпиграмм.
And epigrams that were obscure.
