Heathcliff s prayer

Follow me, haunt me,
Catherine, love!
I know you will never
Reach Palace above.

Stick to this world,
Raise from the ground -
Bring me the peace,
That I haven't found!

Rip out my heart
And drink all my blood,
Existance is hard,
When you rest in mud.

You are my soul
And I am yourself.
Insides of my chest
Lie on your shelf.

Damn me with curses,
But do it with love.
I'll swallow my fears
And set passion above!

Don't leave me there
In cold shallow cave!
My mind's never spare -
It is in your grave.

Let it be torture,
Let it be curse -
My abyss, my eternity -
It is all yours!

Catherine, dear,
You are my love,
You are my death
For whom yet I starve.
