Once in the Switzerland...

Would you like me to tell you
    the Switzerland yarn?
But it's only for children!
    I see that you are young!
This story is melodious,
    as the bell!
Sit down, dear children, please!
    I want begin to tell...

One day the little girl decide
    to make surprise her mother.
She begin to find flowers:
    tulips, roses and other.
At last Lilly (the girl's name)
    find the wonderful place.
But she don't know that it is
    the property of Jim Ace...

She make the big, good bouquet,
    after this Lilly
meet her good boy-friend.
    His name is Billy.
He say to Lilly:
    -A magic moment I remember,
I raise my eyes and see you!!!

It's Puskin's poem,
    you read his literature again!
-Yes,dear! The beautiful bouquet!
    -For me it's very main!
It's for my mother, she is ill...
    -Sorry, I don't want to...
They hear odd whisper,
    and stand up listened to...

At next moment they see
    the old fat Jim Ace!
-Where do you go, children?
    What is the race?
They can't say anything,
    cause they afraid of him!
-The lucky day today!
    I am going to sport gym!

-We have to go...-Good bye!
    ...Just moment, children!STAND!
Where do you take such flowers?
    They become white like the sand...
Than Billy say: -I present flowers
    to my friend Lilly!!!
-You take MY flowers?
    You're very bad boy Billy!

Today in evening, dear,
    I will speak with your mother!!!
And Billy quickly went
    to tell himself about this to mother.
Lilly is very happy,
    cause she has pretty flowers!
She makes surprise to mother.
    And thanks to Billy: - Bouquet is ours!

-Thank you Billy! You're brave!
    And you are my best friend!
-Lilly, I love you too! Ace wouldn't know!
    And in the end
I want to say, that our friendship
    would be strong,
if we will sing together
    my very lovely song!

My fairy tale end,
it has the happy end!


Неплохо, но рассчитана на тех, кто язык не знает) Ошибок уйма Начиная с артикля перед названием страны в заглавии) Уж извините)

Рита Зайцева   05.02.2014 13:11     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо за комментарий. но я и писала это довольно в юном возрасте!!!

Шелест Марина Евгеньевна   05.02.2014 13:21   Заявить о нарушении
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