Etta James

January 25th - Etta James’ birthday.  In 2014 there is 76 years since she was born.

Etta James – a talented songwriter, singer with contralto vocal range.
Throughout her musical career she had evolved, bringing the change.
She had explored genres of R&B, jazz, roll and roll, blues, gospel, soul.
Performing on stage - her passion, piece of mind, joy, dream and goal.

James had achieved a critical acclaim and audience, fans recognition.
She knew her strengths, talents, abilities, fulfilled true calling, mission.
Etta’s remembered as dynamic entertainer, vocalist of value, quality.
She could not care less, but naturally expressed unique individuality.

James manifested pioneering, innovative spirit, mindset, personality.
Despite life’s struggles, she possessed strength, courage, universality.
Her grace, enthusiasm, determination, power, courage, perseverance
Contributed to her winning performances, attitude and appearance.

January 25th - birthday of Etta James, who deeply touched our souls.
Received four Grammys, accomplishing her music aspirations, goals.
A true legend Ms. Etta James shared her mastery, power and viability.
Priceless was contribution to music world, as was her gift, versatility.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
