Gerard Depardieu

December 27th – Gerard Depardieu’s birthday.

Gerard Depardieu – a talented French actor with a critical acclaim.
His acting got him several awards and led him to stardom or fame.
Domestically in France and internationally has spread his popularity.
His contribution to film industry is distinctive, as does his personality.

Friendly and affable, he loves to meet and communicate with people,
Whether it’s challenging at times. daring, exciting, complex or simple.
It’s not ambition driving, motivating Depardieu but actual experience.
He has his own way to manifest his talent, skill, ability with brilliance.

He’s played in films, dramas and comedies, on big screen and television.
Gerard’s portrayed a masculine and charming man who is on a mission.
Accomplished, recognized in Europe, he conquered Hollywood as well.
He is acknowledged as a performer, who is determined, versatile, swell.

December 27th – birthday of Gerard Depardieu, we wish you all the best!
May you continue your artistic journey, fulfill your gifts, potentials quest.
Wishing you lots of happiness, health, new exiting roles and inspiration!
You’re lovable, respected by audience worldwide and of French nation. 

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
