One thing...

One thing I whish
I could do that
But it's not alloud
I feel like a dead

I can not live there
In the world of burn
I want to change this
But I'm so young

How can you live
In the world of the cruel
In the world of the lie
It's something like ruine

When people are killed
And all look at that
And don't want to help
I can't anything add

Why is someone poor
And want to live more
And someone is reacher
And making a low

Why do we have friends
When we only have money
Friendship is not this
Go to the Evil's Mommy

I see only the evil
I can't see the kindness
After this only thing
I become madness

I want to do thing
I haven't done ever
To destoy the evil
That it will be never

But when we are headed
By cruelity fiar
I can only close eyes
And close both my ear

Eugene Iliin 22.12.2013
