So Rat

So Rat

I’ve been hired and I’ve been laid off,
I am a white dove, take me or doff,
Banging my beak at my brother’s back.
I might turn a hacker but not a hack.

I am for real. Forget those rules!
Even if you picture me amongst the fools,
Go give your oculist his bread and butter!
I am not a cookie from a cookie cutter.

I’d do what it takes to grab what’s mine.
I won’t hesitate to anguish your shrine,
I’ll step on your toes and cease any vows
That stand on my way. Don’t raise your eyebrows,

Do not pretend you are better than that!
Years ago you’ve been just a brat,
And now you have grown up to become
As flex and elastic as bubble gum.

Why, you are asking, I’m so rat…
Well, how would I bear if it all wasn’t like that?

October 7, 2013
