Let s write the sky

Come fly with me. I'll show you lands from height.
We soar from ground straight to shining brilliants.
Just realize: you feel no more your weight
And all the thoughts transform to one of millions.

You see: the horizon is touching by the sun
Which's going to come and take a seat...
Night cinema. To watch the stars make run
Towards the morning doing their feat.

Come fly with me. Let's watch this thrilling sight.
Remember it when you will stand on ground.
Now all your dreams are in the heaven's might
And you with me together win this round.

You see: your face is touching by my eyes.
It's beautiful as all your perfect features.
Belive me now. It's something great to rise
By you and me as by the flying preachers.
4 октября 2013 года, 22:50, 309 комната, общежитие №4 ПетрГУ.

Наша дах їде і регоче

С ув., Дженифер

Дженифер Четвергов   06.10.2013 15:41     Заявить о нарушении
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