
GOD = HOPE, FAITH AND LOVE...E=mc2…ENERGY (human emotions, relationship with God and others) EQUALITY ( brotherhood of man, all man and woman are equal in the eyes of God) MASS (meditation prayer and fasting) (CHRIST(all humans dead or alive) TIMES (time is irrelevant) CHRISTIANITY (all forms of organized religion, believes and ways of life) ALBERT ENSTIEN… .. … .

Getting ready to revile myself to the world who I truly am, and who we all truly are (by spiritual/physical/mental/emotional ethnicity) this secret has been kept too long in the closed meetings of AA (All in All) since the beginning of time before the Big Bang (Blue Book) BB was even written...In the beginning was the Word (A-Alcohol) God Almighty, and the Word was with God (AA-Alcoholics Anonymous) God All in All, and the Word was God (AAA) God The Trinity – God The Father (Time), God The Son - (Mass/Man) (, Holly Ghost ...In the beginning God created the Heauen (Dark Energy), and the Earth (Dark Matter). Sergei Alcoholic. ... .. ... LOVE PEACE UNITY FELLOWSHIP SOBRIETY

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Татьяна Ненахова   30.08.2013 11:58     Заявить о нарушении