What to do, if I fell in love?

What to do, if I fell in love
So deeply, so true,
What to do, if the skies crash,
If I don’t see you…

What to say, if I have no words,
Cause the world for me is you,
I’m in love, I won’t break my oath,
I would like my dreams come true…

And I’m dreaming to be with you
All the time, till the end,
But I’m so afraid to do
A mistake to disappoint my friend…

I’m not sure what you feel,
Your eyes are so close to mine,
I can’t see what is real,
Don’t know – want you be mine…

I’m in an illusionary world,
You’ve put a spell on me,
Without you I feel cold,
You are my truly destiny…

So, what to do, if I fell in love,
Should I tell you the truth,
Or, should I stay above,
Never getting the feeling loose?

Should I lust far away,
Keeping the secret  untold,
Or, should I be with you and say
That you are my passion, my world?

Maybe time will do its work,
And it will exactly say,
Should I stay or should I lock
My heart and pray and pray…
