Charlie Christian

July 29th – Charlie Christian’s birthday.  In 2013 there is years since he was born.

Charlie Christian - a phenomenal jazz guitarist, a wonderful musician.
A bebop father, cool jazz founder aimed to fulfill his dream, ambition.
His “single-string technique,” a solo style - niche, innovation, invention,
Succeeded with versatility, persistence, courage, gift of improvisation.

Electrified guitar, electrifying music, unordinary influence, originality
Had constituted Christian’s extraordinary talent, ability, universality.
A jazz master created and perfected solo guitar’s delivery, approach.
He practiced it as long as he needed, being his own teacher or coach.

Charlie contributed to modern jazz development, overall jazz evolution.
His experimentation with rhythms and harmonies – a bebop revolution.
Charlie’s performances were always engaging, inspirational, impressive.
As person and professional he was insightful, creative and progressive.

July 29th – birthday of Charles Christian, a guitar virtuoso and innovator.
He’s been remembered as a new style jazz developer, great originator.
Christian’s “single string,” “tension and release”, volume amplification
Led to the electric guitar jazz influence, evolution and popularization.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
