Песня I don t need you

I will remember our summer
I will remember our love.
We were so happy and joyful,
But it would never be enough.

I’ll keep your image in my soul,
I want to close the door to the past,
I won’t let you to tear my heart,
I’m mournful that you go so fast.

Together we can be happy
It’s awful that you gone away
And despite the fact that you killed me,
I love you more than I can say.

I’ll keep your image in my soul,
I want to close the door to the past,
I won’t let you to tear my heart,
I’m mournful that you go so fast.

Why did you leave, why did you gone
You can't understand - I'm not a stone!
I will survive, I will endure
Until I can say: "I don't need you".

Видео с песней можно посмотреть по этим ссылкам:https://vk.com/video33968143_164745780 и https://vk.com/video33968143_165062622.
Автор текста: Сороко Дарья;
Автор музыки и исполнитель: Кускова Александра (https://vk.com/id33968143)
