Песня About you

Your smile, your face
My life is suddenly changes.
My soul is fly,
I’ll never say to you “Goodbye”!

Important thing:
This song you sing to me this evening
Makes my heart dance…
I needed one more chance.

Why you gone and why did you forgive me?
Now I promise – I will getted stronger,
But sometimes I’m very-very miss you.
I’m loving you.

I’m very need
That winds that you to me presented.
My life is changes
Remain something else:

I fell in love
You gone – and I’m alone and half.
I hope, you need
This pretty song which I did.

Why you gone and why did you forgive me?
Now I promise – I will getted stronger,
But sometimes I’m very-very miss you.
I’m loving you.

It’s so hard and it’s so cold without spring.
It so painful, but I wouldn’t cry by you!
Only weakness I’m allowed – naive sing
About you, about you, about you.

Видео с песней можно посмотреть по этой ссылке: https://vk.com/video136779088_163860186.
Автор текста: Сороко Дарья;
Автор музыки и исполнитель: Кускова Александра (https://vk.com/id33968143)
