
I'm not a girl dream
And no I'm not her,
I'm not the standard of beauty, intelligence and wisdom, (tired)
But I want to make you happy-
although it can not ...
But still love you till death shall be as wanted
Although I am not her, but all the same
I will also gently
Kiss you to death
I'll be a long, trouble even if not needed.

I so want to like it
Continuously see your smile
After all, without it, I'm not the same ...
To your palms touching, I'm from the warmth of their trembling all over!
Before you I'm on my knees:
YOU ARE MY ANGEL breathe AGAIN MY HEAR YOU CLEARLY nonsense! JUST BECAUSE I dream about you and the thoughts, feelings,
all yours!

But I'm not the one in your mind, but I'm not the kind of dream that in my dreams ...
I have you to myself for a moment to cherish ready.
And it you can just look warm, and once again your smile to her ...
I'm not smart, and not as beautiful as she is, and tears hlyschat with a bang did not know how to cheer you ...

I'm selfish, it is no secret that line every make out.
I can love the whole world, and at the same time no one.
My angel, my muse, my confession to you.
You can not conquer each, and only one you let him be happy ...
Forever ...
