I m bored. I m lessening to music and trying to wr

I'm bored. I'm lessening to music and trying to write some shit.
So here is it :
I'm alone in the boat and I don't know if I can to float in this shit
I'm standing on the board, one more step and I gonna fall down
I don't get it, when you're fighting for some one
When you're giving everything for some one
You think that you're won
But it's was wrong and everything is gone
You losing the hope
You losing your mind
You take a rope and you feel that there is nothing more to find
But something stopping you, and you don't know what to do
You start to think about the everything that have been happen with you
You feeling that here is something wrong
You feeling that you're strong and the pain will not be too long
You become scared and screaming
Running, crying and keep living
You found some one else
You think that it, here is no more shit
Some time later you losing everything again and the pain is now much more stronger than before
I'm running and screaming
I'm won't keep the fighting and I'm think that is right thing just to give up ...
I'm running up on the stair
All the pain have blinded all your thoughts...
All the tears have drained you
Now you're want to jump and to fall down
But something stopping you again
But the pain still here
You hear voice and you don't know where is came from
You make some noise but there is no one
You become scared and screaming
Running, crying and keep living
Now you're alone in the boat and don't know if you're can to float in this shit
Standing on the board, one more step and gonna fall down
But you took one step back and think if you will find some one who will give back your piece of your broken heart
and you finally will find the peace and it's will not hurt you or your heart
Take a breath and don't break your hope even if everything is strangles you like a rope
Some one don't get second chance...
You get third chance... Now go and make the change, cause you're not in cage

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Вася Вулканчиков   26.05.2013 17:41     Заявить о нарушении
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