The Forewarning to Jews by Alexander Galich

"The Forewarning to Jews" by Alexander Galich

Alexander Galich, is a very famous poet and bard (of Jewish origin, who's real name is Alexander Ginzburg), who was exiled from USSR and died under suspicious circumstances in Paris, France.

This poem was smuggled from Russia abroad and published there in 1977.
In Russia this poem was circulated among people in private - in the form of the song, recorded on the magnetic tape.

Though this poem is written as seems to be using tzar's Russia and Orthodox Christian religion terms - this is simply a manner of the figurative speech, as in reality this poem actually relates to the role and destiny of Jews in Soviet Russia (USSR, aka Soviet Union) and, in general, to Jews in any Diaspora at large.


Oh, do not sew for yourself, you Jews, the livery - in false anticipation of awards and high level appointments,
You, the Jews, will not be promoted into the status and positions of the grandee !
So do not worry, do not cry in vain;
Anyway you will not sit in either Synod or the Senate.
But instead you will be exiled to Solovki or you will serve time in Butyrka,
And your shoes will be without lace so you will not suicide by hanging in desperation
And instead of celebrating the Sabbath
You will be hauled in for interrogation by the guards.
But if you're going to support regime's ideology,
If you become a useful Jew
They will allow you to be called "the loyal to Russia Jew"
And they will decorate your lapserdak with aiguillettes.
But having become the first in such craft of licking regime's ass,
All the same, you will not be appointed into a position of grandee,
And Jewish poet, who glorifies the regime, will not deserve the statue of the modern day Orpheus,
So, Jews, do not sew for yourself the livery !

livery - official dress, decorated with gold and silver garments, worn by the top ranking nobles on ceremonial events

grandee- highly privileged position, assigned to few top ranking nobles - they wore livery

Synod - Advisory (to the Tzar) counsel/board. Its members were appointed by Tzar

Senate - sort of like the Russian Empire version of The House of Lords in UK Parliament. Members of the Senate were appointed by Tzar (versus elected Senators in USA).

Solovki - location (North-European part of Russia) of exile camp (part of GULAG camp system)

Butyrka - prison in Moscow

lapserdak - dress, worn by Jewish men in Jewish Shtetles

aiguillettes - specially awarded decoration, being worn on the livery

Ой, не шейте вы, евреи, ливреи,
Не ходить вам в камергерах, евреи!
Не горюйте вы, зазря не стенайте,
Не сидеть вам ни в Синоде, ни в Сенате.
А сидеть вам в Соловках да в Бутырках,
И ходить вам без шнурков на ботинках,
И не делать по суботам "лехаим"
А таскаться на допрос с вертухаем.
Если ж будешь торговать ты елеем,
Если станешь ты полезным евреем,
Называться разрешат Россинантом
И украсят лапсердак аксельбантом.
Но и ставши в ремесле этом первым,
Все равно тебе не быть камергером,
И не выйти на елее в Орфеи...
Так не шейте ж вы ливреи, евреи!
