Fable of Jake

Once upon a time, somewhere,
May be close to the lake,
May be near thoroughfare
Lived a guy, his name was Jake.

Once he drank his morning coffee,
Ate the jam and baked roll,
In the pocket put a toffee,
Went in orchard for a stroll.

Someone was on higher branches
Of a tree, to pick the fruits,
And he said: "Don't  walk in orchards
Like you do it in the woods.

There's yet a lurking danger
For a strolling walker, Jake,
As someone, perhaps a stranger
Left somewhere hidden rake!"

Jake said that he doesn't care,
Told the guy "Mind picking fruits",
That he uses always wear
Leather sandals in the woods.

"Bang!" The fucking wooden handle
Hit the walker on the head.
Jake thought, losing bloody sandal
That he was already dead.

What to do? He had to swear,
Rubbing fiercely forehead,
That the one who left it there
Is an asshole and dickhead.

There's no use to swear
And to curse, my poor Jake!
As you were told that there
Someone left the hidden rake!

Moral is that you are paying
For you being stupid, Jake!
Listen to what people are saying,
Lest you step on fucking rake!!!
