simplу dead

its funny, you know
but im sad
my feelings so high and upset
i can do this worst or the best
i can kill myself and have rest

и мысли стаями птиц
выходят за пределы времени
я надеюсь на удачный блицкриг
но почему-то вздохну с сожалением

схватить ладонь отчего-то пустую,
и мыслить тяжко, почти в глубину
ты скажешь - это равно поцелую,
а в моих мыслях удар по виску.

you took my hand, but i felt so empty
tried took my heart, but i still have it is
and you cried out when the over - was over
and i fell down.
but i fell just to sleep.

and all the demons behind me are cruel, you said
and i just said yes
and i think everyone just looks violent
but they are all inside simply dead.
